Singing the favorite song for her funeral at Fira Gran at Barcelona

Death is part of life, yet we avoid talking about it because it is sad and complex, thinking this spares us suffering. We believe that talking about death is talking about life; it is avoiding suffering and also taking care of ourselves.
The Festival of Life at the End of Life offers cultural activities to destigmatise and break the taboo of talking about death. It aims to generate a public debate around ethical, social, cultural and sector-related issues to reflect on how we treat death as a society and approach the End of Life.
It started in May 2024 in Barcelona, in partnership with Fundació Víctor i Grífols, Societat Catalano-Balear de Cures Pal·liatives, UOC, Pobles que Cuiden, Grupo Mémora, Associació Dret a Morir Dignament and many more.
Check out the festival website, its best moments summarised in this video and all the noise we made on social media.